Our Specialist Teaching team provides a service for children, young people and those who support them.
We also offer advice and training for settings and parents on how best to meet the needs of students with SEND.
Our Specialist Teachers are all highly experienced teachers with additional qualifications in one or more areas of SEND. They work with the other professionals who are in contact with the child and their family to help that child or young person to achieve their learning goals.
Our team have a selection of qualifications in order that we can best meet students needs. For example, within the team we have Specialist Teachers who have Level 7 qualifications, PATOSS membership, Dyslexia Guild Membership, and additional specialist post graduate qualifications – this ensures that CEPP can offer the best placed professional for each case.
We provide specialist assessments for children and young people based on their individual needs.
Specialist Teaching Support
Assessment and Planning
- Access arrangements
- Assessment
- Consultation and planning meetings (from individual students to whole school development)
Intervention and Review
- Pupil Review meetings
Other Support
- Early Years Support
- English as an Additional Language
- Forward planning meeting
- Mentoring / Coaching for new SENCOs
- Monitor delivery of interventions or complete a learning walk around specific areas of expertise
- Nurture Group provision
- Research based Action Research Projects
- Teaching small groups in spelling strategies, comprehension skills and metacognitive study skills
- Towards a dyslexia friendly classroom
- Whole school systemic work
- Working memory in the classroom
- Access Arrangements
- Assessment tools including PIVATS, BPVS and bespoke packages
- Developing effective Teaching Assistants
- Developmental Coordination Difficulties – Dyspraxia
- Metacognition and Metacognitive study skills
- Neurodiversity
- Precision Teaching and Direct Instruction
- Sound Discovery
- Specific Literacy difficulties – Dyslexia
- Specific Numeracy difficulties – Dyscalculia
- Supporting social communication and autism needs in the classroom
- Supporting Speech, Language and Communication
- Supporting the development of Teaching Assistants
- Supporting the implementation of social skills groups
- Transition Support
- Working memory